Phil Lembo

Enterprise Architect


Most of my career as a tech professional has been as a sysadmin doing desktop support, then managing web and application servers, and finally, integrating applications in a global corporate environment. For around a decade in the middle of all that I served as lead engineer for directory and identity access services with the same company.

As more software solutions have moved off-premesis to the cloud, I've been spending a lot of time working with the new technologies that are being made possible by application containers, software defined networking and serverless architectures.


Web sites I have created:

Snoopy, the lost Lunar Module
Snoopy: The Lost Lunar Module
Casa Lembo Home
Casalembo home
This site
This site


I have authored a few guides that are publicly available in Github gists and on my Github wiki, like these:

Managing Python

I was recently inspired by an article entitled "Relieving your Python packaging pain" to rethink how I manage python.

nmcli commands

This is for a common use case: setting up static networking in Network Manager from the command line.

OpenDJ Cheat Sheet

OpenDJ was an open source enterprise-grade LDAP directory server from some former Sun employees.


Here is some code I have written.

Perl Text::CSV_XS

# Test Text::CSV_XS module operation.
use strict;
use Text::CSV_XS;
my $HOME = $ENV{'HOME'};
my $infile = "$HOME/testfile.csv";

Python resize images

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Resize all images in a folder
import os
from PIL import image
HOME = os.environ['HOME']
source = os.path.join(HOME, 'data' ...

Mount gDrive with bash

# Mount Google Drive at
# ~/Drive in background
/usr/bin/rclone \
--vfs-cache-mode writes \
mount gdrive: ${HOME}/Drive --daemon